Supporting The People Who Feed Us.

Bridging the gap between agriculture producers and mental wellness supports for a healthy and productive Saskatchewan agriculture community.


Farmers and ranchers across the globe often face stressful work conditions resulting in high rates of mental health challenges.

We want to make a difference.

The goal of SaskAgMatters Mental Health Network Inc. is to provide agriculture producers, their family members and agricultural workers across Saskatchewan with affordable and accessible mental health resources that they feel comfortable turning to in times of stress. No matter what you are going through, reach out to our counsellors.


How we aim to make a difference.

Thanks to the generous support of private donors, SaskAgMatters Mental Health Network Inc. can offer Saskatchewan producers six free one hour sessions of counselling to support their mental wellness. In addition to this, we collaborate with the Saskatchewan Farmer and Rancher Mental Health (FARMh) Initiative to conduct ongoing research.

of agriculture producers meet the classification for depression[1].

of agriculture producers meet the
classification for anxiety[1].

of producers surveyed said there is a lack of supports specific to farmers and ranchers[2].

of producers surveyed would find it beneficial if other agriculture producers were trained to provide mental health support[2].


“My grandfather used to say that once in your life you need a doctor, a lawyer, a policeman, and a preacher. But everyday, three times a day, you need a farmer”

 Our Research Sponsors


  1. Rudolphi, J.M., Berg, R.L., & Parsaik, A. (2020). Depression, anxiety and stress among young farmers and ranchers: A pilot study. Community Mental Health Journal, 56, 126-134.

  2. Pavloff, M., Beck, C., Duff, E., Farthing, P., Labrecque, M.E., Szafron, M., Disiewich, K., Wasko, K., Heuchert, B., Entz, F., Little, K., & Andrews, C. (2022). [Unpublished raw data on Saskatchewan agriculture producer mental wellness]. Saskatchewan Polytechnic.